Robert Digiacomo, Project Manager, NY"When I saw your workout, I thought it was perfect for me since it only required a few minutes a day. I used to follow the routines in bodybuilding magazines & spend hours a week in the gym. I eventually got so burned out doing that I gave up even trying. |
Debi Taylor, Atlanta, Georgia"I used to jump from one workout program to the next, trying every infomercial exercise program and fad diet I could get my hands on. Not only was I not reaching my fitness goals, I was gaining even MORE weight! Sitting in an office all day certainly didn’t help. Consistently using this system saved my life and brought me results I never dreamed of! |
Jeremy Bigler, austin, texasGeorge, just a quick note to tell you that this workout system has worked miracles for me. I had gained over 30 pounds in the last few years and I've been desparate to take it off but would never set foot in a gym. |
Janine, suffolk county, new yorkAs most of you know, I am super busy. Between working full time and then having to go home and take care of the kids, I thought I'd never have enough time to take care of myself. However recently I finally decided to make my health and well being a priority. The best part is that it's taking no time at all, since I barely have any free minutes for me in a given day. When I get home at night and on the weekends I have been working with George Louris for a short time now on my weight loss goals and I have made significant progress. I urge anyone who is having trouble fitting taking care of your health and well being to contact him. It's the best thing I have done for myself in a long time." - Facebook post from Janine |
Chris Konstantinou, cincinnati, ohioHere I am today wearing a new pair of pants I bought two weeks ago and thanks to George Louris they are too big. If you are thinking of losing weight... Stop thinking and take action. No time better than the present. George has been a great motivator. In the past 6 weeks my flabby body is starting to become firm muscle. I am excited!! |
Paulie D. (50), coaching clientPaulie wanted to lose his belly and add some muscle to his frame. In the short space of 13 months, Paulie not only increased his chest, shoulder and bicep sizes but he also reduced his waist cholesterol, blood pressure and resting heart rate.
Want to change your life like Paulie? |
also, listen to what these fitness professionals with over a 100 years worth of combined experience have to say:
Jo LoGalbo
KB Baker
Glen Gosch
Phil Sottile